Dental Bridges

If you are missing one or two teeth, you may be a candidate for porcelain fixed bridges. Our Grand Rapids dentist will be able to determine whether fixed bridges are the right choice for your smile. Like the name suggests, dental bridges are used to “bridge” the gap in your smile caused by tooth loss.

During your first visit, our Grand Rapids dentist will remove enamel on teeth to the right and left of the gap.

This is done to make space for the crowns that will be placed on top. Dental impressions will then be taken and sent to the lab where your porcelain dental bridge will be made. In the meantime, our dentist will place a temporary bridge to protect your teeth while waiting for the restoration.

When you come back to our office, the temporary dental bridge will be removed and replaced with the new one. The dental bridges consists of a false tooth held in place by a dental crown on both sides. Our dental bridge dentist will make sure the fit and color is perfect before cementing it in place. You may be required to come back to make sure no further adjustments are needed to the porcelain bridge.

Dr. Ritzema DDS at Complete Health Dentistry strives to help patients restore the appearance and function of their smiles through comprehensive dental services. If you are interested in learning if you are a candidate for dental bridge treatments, call our dentist in Grand Rapids at (616) 458-7267.