Complete Dentures

It’s not uncommon for people to lose teeth to tooth decaygum disease, or injury. However, significant tooth loss can make it difficult to eat, speak, or feel confident when out in public. While living with dentures can take some getting used to, many of our patients appreciate being able to improve their quality of life with a new smile.

During your first appointment, our Grand Rapids family dentist will extract any remaining teeth in your upper or lower jaw. (Some patients have all the teeth in their mouth removed for both upper and lower dentures.)

Depending on your preference, you may choose either conventional or immediate denture products. Like the name suggests, immediate dentures are able to be worn immediately after tooth extraction, but will need adjusting once the tissue heals. Conventional dentures are able to be worn once the tissue has healed from tooth extraction and won’t require additional adjustments. However, you’ll have to wait several months before you can start wearing dentures.

Dr. Ritzema DDS at Complete Health Dentistry is dedicated to helping patients restore smiles after significant tooth loss. Call our Grand Rapids dentist at (616) 458-7267.