Sleep Apnea Snoring

Do you know how many undiagnosed people in the US suffer from Sleep Apnea?


People who suffer from sleep apnea encounter breathing that repeatedly starts and stops during their sleeping hours.



Proper breathing at night requires a healthy, functioning open airway which provides:

  1. Promotion of deep sleep
  2. Rejuvenation of the body
  3. Health and Wellness

Those of us lucky enough to sleep while breathing properly take it for granted, but many are not so fortunate and can find themselves faced with a health-threatening condition – sleep apnea

Our Vivos® Solution

This proprietary and ground-breaking technology, Vivos®, was developed to eliminate the health conditions resulting from Obstruction Sleep Apnea. For over ten years and supported by trained clinicians, The Vivos®System has treated 14,000+ with incredible results.As an up and coming world leader in the treatment of sleep-based breathing disorders, the dental profession has been found an excellent source to solve the sleep apnea crisis.Dentists are being trained to utilize the Vivos®System by unlocking a body’s biological processes to repair a human airway.

The dentists at Complete Health Dentistry are trained and are Board Certified to diagnose and treat the life-threatening aspects of sleep apnea by teaming up with trained physicians.

That’s right! – potentially life-threatening.Health conditions are being compromised from obstructive sleep apnea, and healthcare providers are looking very seriously at this condition.

Types of Sleep Apnea:

  • Obstructive Sleep Apnea – has a range beginning with mild, extending to severe, and is the most common form of sleep apnea -a result of when muscles of the throat relax.
  • Central Sleep Apnea – happens when proper signals to muscles that control breathing are being sent from the brain.
  • Complex/Mixed Sleep Apnea – can be referred to as treatment-emergent central sleep apnea.It occurs as a result of both obstructive and central sleep apnea.

What are some Symptoms of Sleep Apnea?

Obstructive and Central sleep apnea signs and symptoms often overlap. It can be difficult to determine what a person has – which type or both. The most common signs include:

  • Loud snoring
  • Gasping for air during sleep
  • Episodes in which you stop breathing during sleep – which can be reported by another person
  • Frequent morning headaches
  • Awaking with a dry mouth
  • Frequent morning headaches
  • Excessive daytime sleepiness (hypersomnia)
  • Difficulty staying asleep (insomnia)
  • Irritability
  • Difficulty paying attention while awake

What is the Treatment Using the Vivos® System?

The Vivos® System requires a Board-Certified physician to provide a patient with a thorough and complete diagnosis for their condition.

Once sleep apnea has been diagnosed by a physician, one of the trained dentists at Complete Health Dental will custom design a Vivos® biomimetic device.

Patients wear a Vivos® devices, primarily in the evening and during sleeping hours, as directed by a doctor for 12 months and as many as 24 months.

Within the first few days or weeks, most patients feel the effects of treatments. During patient treatments, periodic adjustments to the appliance may be necessary by your treating dentist,

Many patients do not require further intervention at the completion of their treatment.

The (4) Parts to the Vivos® System

1) – Your Initial Consultation

Your initial consultation will consist of a variety of diagnostics with your healthcare team.

  • Initial Health Questionnaire & Screening
  • Head & Neck Exam
  • Dental CAT Scan
  • Intra-oral Measurements and Photos
  • At-Home Sleep Testing

2) – Comprehensive Diagnosis

An accurate diagnosis can be achieved by working with your multidisciplinary healthcare team.

3)– Compiling an Airway Intelligence Report™

Once your diagnostic procedures are completed and any additional testing, your dentist will present you with an Airway Intelligence Report™ to include:

  • Full Assessment and Evaluation
  • Comprehensive Airway Measurements
  • Goals for Treatment
  • A Treatment Plan
  • Options for Financing & Health Insurance

4) – Your Life During Vivos® Treatment

Most treatment plans extend for a duration between 12 and 24 months. They include much needed healthy sleep and good nutrition. Every patient is unique, and your custom treatment plan will be tailored to your particular condition.

  • Experience Sleeping More Comfortably and Appreciate Gettinga Good Nights Rest
  • New Found Energy Accompanies the Program
  • Eating Healthy Foods is Important
  • Scheduled Visits with Your Vivos Dental Team

Complications of Sleep Apnea

Daytime fatigue. Restorative sleep can be impossible associated with sleep apnea. Most people experience severe daytime drowsiness & fatigue and find themselves falling asleep at work, or even worse while driving. This can lead to an increased risk of motor vehicle or workplace accidents

The ability to concentrate can become a challenge, and irritability is common.People might feel moody or depressed – even quick-tempered. Kids suffering from sleep apnea may perform poorly in school or exhibit behavior problems.

High blood pressure or heart problems. The cardiovascular system can be strained, resulting from sudden drops in blood oxygen levels and increases in blood pressure. Obstructive sleep apnea can increase a persons’ risk of high blood pressure (hypertension). It could also increase the risk of heart attack, stroke, and complicate a normal heartbeat to cause atrial fibrillation.

Type 2 diabetes. Your risk of developing type 2 diabetes and insulin resistance can be associated with sleep apnea.

Metabolic syndrome. The risk of Heart Disease can result from this disorder.Symptoms include abnormal cholesterol levels, high blood pressure, increased blood sugar, and an increase in waist circumference.

Complications with medications and surgery. Before you have surgery, inform your doctor that you have sleep apnea to include how it is being treated. Obstructive sleep apnea can be a concern with general anesthesia and some medications. Those with sleep apnea may be prone to complications after major surgery.This can be especially dangerous when sedated while lying on their backs.

Liver problems. Folks with sleep apnea are prone to show signs of abnormal liver function resulting from scarring.

Sleep-deprived partners. People who snore loudly can interrupt the sleep of anyone who sleeps near them.It is not uncommon for a marital partner to be forced to sleep in another room or floor of the home in order to get restful sleep.

When to See Your Dentist about Sleep Apnea

After reading the symptoms of sleep apnea on this page, if you or someone you care about has some of the listed conditions to sleep apnea, call the dentists at Complete Health Dentistry to set up a consultation.Getting restful and healthy sleep leads to a healthier life.

Call (616) 458-7267 to set up your FREE Consultation Today!!