Cosmetic Bonding

Our Grand Rapids dentist may suggest cosmetic bonding as an option for patients with teeth that are damaged, discolored, or have spaces between them. With bonding, tooth-colored restorations are applied or bonded to the tooth’s surface. Teeth bonding can usually be completed in one dental appointment. By bonding tooth-colored restorations to the surface of your teeth, our Grand Rapids cosmetic dentist can effectively repair or restore the shape and feel of your teeth.

This is especially true in cases where your teeth are chipped, broken, cracked, gapped, or stained. If you are not a candidate for cosmetic bonding, our Grand Rapids family dentist might suggest other procedures besides tooth bonding to boost your smile and your overall confidence.

For example, enamel shaping remains a popular method for modifying teeth to improve their appearance by removing or contouring enamel. This process, which often is combined with dental bonding, usually is quick and comfortable and the results can be seen immediately.

Dr. Ritzema DDS at Complete Health Dentistry is dedicated to helping patients achieve their best smiles through cosmetic dental treatments. If you are interested in learning more about our cosmetic bonding treatments, give our dentist in Grand Rapids a call at (616) 458-7267.